


The latest stable version can be installed from PyPI with:

pip install term-image

The development version can be installed with:

pip install git+

Supported Terminal Emulators#

Some terminals emulators that have been tested to meet the requirements for at least one render style include:

  • libvte-based terminal emulators such as:

    • Gnome Terminal

    • Terminator

    • Tilix

  • Kitty

  • Konsole

  • iTerm2

  • WezTerm

  • Alacritty

  • Windows Terminal

  • MinTTY (on Windows)

  • Termux (on Android)


If you’ve tested term-image on any other terminal emulator that meets all requirements, please mention the name in a new thread under this discussion.

Also, if you’re having an issue with terminal support, you may report or check information about it in the discussion linked above.


Some terminal emulators support 24-bit color escape sequences but have a 256-color pallete. This will limit color reproduction.