Source code for term_image.padding

.. The Padding API

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = (

import os
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from enum import IntEnum, auto

from typing_extensions import override

from ._ctlseqs import cursor_forward
from .exceptions import TermImageError
from .geometry import RawSize, Size, _RawSize, _Size
from .utils import arg_value_error_range

# Variables ====================================================================

_ALIGN_RATIOS = ((0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 1))
"""Ratios of *left* and *top* exact padding dimensions for aligned padding.


   dim = (padded_dim - render_dim) * RATIOS[i][0] // RATIOS[i][1]

where ``i`` = ``{h|v}_align``.

# Enumerations =================================================================

[docs] class HAlign(IntEnum): """Horizontal alignment enumeration""" LEFT = 0 """Left horizontal alignment :meta hide-value: """ CENTER = auto() """Center horizontal alignment :meta hide-value: """ RIGHT = auto() """Right horizontal alignment :meta hide-value: """
[docs] class VAlign(IntEnum): """Vertical alignment enumeration""" TOP = 0 """Top vertical alignment :meta hide-value: """ MIDDLE = auto() """Middle vertical alignment :meta hide-value: """ BOTTOM = auto() """Bottom vertical alignment :meta hide-value: """
# Classes ======================================================================
[docs] class Padding(metaclass=ABCMeta): """:term:`Render output` padding. Args: fill: Determines the string with which render outputs will be padded. May be any string that occupies exactly **one column** on a terminal screen, or an empty string. If empty, the padding simply advances the cursor without overwriting existing content on the terminal screen. ATTENTION: This is an abstract base class. Hence, only **concrete** subclasses can be instantiated. .. seealso:: :ref:`padding-ext-api` :py:class:`Padding`\\ 's Extension API """ # Class Attributes ========================================================= __slots__ = ("fill",) # Instance Attributes ====================================================== fill: str """Fill string""" # Special Methods ========================================================== def __init__(self, fill: str = " ") -> None: # Subclasses are to be "immutable", `super()` is costlier Padding.__setattr__(self, "fill", fill) # Public Methods ===========================================================
[docs] def get_padded_size(self, render_size: Size) -> Size: """Computes an expected padded :term:`render size`. Args: render_size: Render size. Returns: The size of the :term:`render output` that would be produced by using this instance to pad a render output **with the given size**. """ left, top, right, bottom = self._get_exact_dimensions_(render_size) width, height = render_size return _Size(left + width + right, top + height + bottom)
[docs] def pad(self, render: str, render_size: Size) -> str: """Pads a :term:`render output`. Args: render: A render output, in the form specified to be returned by :py:meth:`Renderable._render_() <term_image.renderable.Renderable._render_>`. render_size: :term:`Render size` of *render*. Returns: The padded render output. This is also in the form specified to be returned by :py:meth:`Renderable._render_() <term_image.renderable.Renderable._render_>`, provided *render* is. """ left, top, right, bottom = self._get_exact_dimensions_(render_size) width = left + render_size.width + right horizontal = left or right vertical = top or bottom fill = self.fill if fill: left_padding = fill * left right_padding = fill * right top_padding = f"{fill * width}\n" * top if top else "" bottom_padding = f"\n{fill * width}" * bottom if bottom else "" else: left_padding = cursor_forward(left) right_padding = cursor_forward(right) top_padding = f"{cursor_forward(width)}\n" * top if top else "" bottom_padding = f"\n{cursor_forward(width)}" * bottom if bottom else "" return ( "".join( ( top_padding, left_padding, ( render.replace("\n", f"{right_padding}\n{left_padding}") if horizontal else render ), right_padding, bottom_padding, ) ) if horizontal or vertical else render )
[docs] def to_exact(self, render_size: Size) -> ExactPadding: """Converts the padding to an exact padding for the given :term:`render size`. Args: render_size: :term:`Render size`. Returns: An equivalent exact padding, **with respect to the given render size** i.e one that would produce the same result as the padding being converted, **for the given render size**. This is useful to avoid recomputing the exact padding dimensions for **the same render size**. """ return ( self if isinstance(self, ExactPadding) else ExactPadding(*self._get_exact_dimensions_(render_size), self.fill) )
# Extension methods ========================================================
[docs] @abstractmethod def _get_exact_dimensions_(self, render_size: Size) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Returns the exact padding dimensions for the given :term:`render size`. Args: render_size: :term:`Render size`. Returns: Returns the exact padding dimensions, ``(left, top, right, bottom)``. This is called to implement operations in the public API. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class AlignedPadding(Padding): """Aligned :term:`render output` padding. Args: width: Minimum :term:`render width`. height: Minimum :term:`render height`. h_align: Horizontal alignment. v_align: Vertical alignment. If *width* or *height* is: * positive, it is **absolute** and used as-is. * non-positive, it is **relative** to the corresponding terminal dimension (**at the point of resolution**) and equivalent to the absolute dimension ``max(terminal_dimension + relative_dimension, 1)``. The *padded render dimension* (i.e the dimension of a :term:`render output` after it's padded) on each axis is given by:: padded_dimension = max(render_dimension, absolute_minimum_dimension) In words... If the **absolute** *minimum render dimension* on an axis is less than or equal to the corresponding *render dimension*, there is no padding on that axis and the *padded render dimension* on that axis is equal to the *render dimension*. Otherwise, the render output will be padded along that axis and the *padded render dimension* on that axis is equal to the *minimum render dimension*. The amount of padding to each side depends on the alignment, defined by *h_align* and *v_align*. IMPORTANT: :py:class:`RelativePaddingDimensionError` is raised if any padding-related computation/operation (basically, calling any method other than :py:meth:`resolve`) is performed on an instance with **relative** *minimum render dimension(s)* i.e if :py:attr:`relative` is ``True``. NOTE: Any interface receiving an instance with **relative** dimension(s) should typically resolve it/them upon reception. TIP: * Instances are immutable and hashable. * Instances with equal fields compare equal. """ # Class Attributes ========================================================= __slots__ = ("width", "height", "h_align", "v_align", "relative") # Instance Attributes ====================================================== width: int """Minimum :term:`render width`""" height: int """Minimum :term:`render height`""" h_align: HAlign """Horizontal alignment""" v_align: VAlign """Vertical alignment""" fill: str relative: bool """``True`` if either or both *minimum render dimension(s)* is/are relative i.e non-positive. Otherwise, ``False``. """ # Special Methods ========================================================== def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, h_align: HAlign = HAlign.CENTER, v_align: VAlign = VAlign.MIDDLE, fill: str = " ", ): super().__init__(fill) _setattr = super().__setattr__ _setattr("width", width) _setattr("height", height) _setattr("h_align", h_align) _setattr("v_align", v_align) _setattr("relative", not width > 0 < height) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(width={}, height={}, h_align={}, v_align={}, fill={!r})".format( type(self).__name__, self.width, self.height,,, self.fill, ) # Properties =============================================================== @property def size(self) -> RawSize: """Minimum :term:`render size` GET: Returns the *minimum render dimensions*. """ return _RawSize(self.width, self.height) # Public Methods ===========================================================
[docs] @override def get_padded_size(self, render_size: Size) -> Size: """Computes an expected padded :term:`render size`. See :py:meth:`Padding.get_padded_size`. Raises: RelativePaddingDimensionError: Relative *minimum render dimension(s)*. """ if self.relative: raise RelativePaddingDimensionError("Relative minimum render dimension(s)") return _Size(max(self.width, render_size[0]), max(self.height, render_size[1]))
[docs] def resolve(self, terminal_size: os.terminal_size) -> AlignedPadding: """Resolves **relative** *minimum render dimensions*. Args: terminal_size: The terminal size against which to resolve relative dimensions. Returns: An instance with equivalent **absolute** dimensions. """ if not self.relative: return self width, height, *args, _ = astuple(self) terminal_width, terminal_height = terminal_size if width <= 0: width = max(terminal_width + width, 1) if height <= 0: height = max(terminal_height + height, 1) return type(self)(width, height, *args)
# Extension methods ======================================================== @override def _get_exact_dimensions_(self, render_size: Size) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: if self.relative: raise RelativePaddingDimensionError("Relative minimum render dimension(s)") width, height, h_align, v_align = astuple(self)[:4] render_width, render_height = render_size if width > render_width: padding_width = width - render_width numerator, denominator = _ALIGN_RATIOS[h_align] left = padding_width * numerator // denominator right = padding_width - left else: left = right = 0 if height > render_height: padding_height = height - render_height numerator, denominator = _ALIGN_RATIOS[v_align] top = padding_height * numerator // denominator bottom = padding_height - top else: top = bottom = 0 return left, top, right, bottom
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ExactPadding(Padding): """Exact :term:`render output` padding. Args: left: Left padding dimension top: Top padding dimension. right: Right padding dimension bottom: Bottom padding dimension Raises: ValueError: A dimension is negative. Pads a render output on each side by the specified amount of lines or columns. TIP: * Instances are immutable and hashable. * Instances with equal fields compare equal. """ # Class Attributes ========================================================= __slots__ = ("left", "top", "right", "bottom") # Instance Attributes ====================================================== left: int """Left padding dimension""" top: int """Top padding dimension""" right: int """Right padding dimension""" bottom: int """Bottom padding dimension""" fill: str # Special Methods ========================================================== def __init__( self, left: int = 0, top: int = 0, right: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, fill: str = " ", ) -> None: super().__init__(fill) _setattr = super().__setattr__ for name in ("left", "top", "right", "bottom"): value = locals()[name] if value < 0: raise arg_value_error_range(name, value) _setattr(name, value) # Properties =============================================================== @property def dimensions(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Padding dimensions GET: Returns the padding dimensions, ``(left, top, right, bottom)``. """ return astuple(self)[:4] # Extension methods ======================================================== @override def _get_exact_dimensions_(self, render_size: Size) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: return astuple(self)[:4]
# Exceptions ===================================================================
[docs] class PaddingError(TermImageError): """Base exception class for padding errors."""
[docs] class RelativePaddingDimensionError(PaddingError): """Raised when a padding operation is performed on an :py:class:`AlignedPadding` instance with **relative** minimum render dimension(s). """