Source code for term_image.image.kitty

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ("KittyImage",)

import io
import re
import sys
from base64 import standard_b64encode
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from zlib import compress, decompress

import PIL

from .. import _ctlseqs as ctlseqs

# These sequences are used during performance-critical operations that occur often
from .._ctlseqs import (
from ..utils import (
from .common import GraphicsImage

# Constants for render methods
LINES = "lines"
WHOLE = "whole"

[docs] class KittyImage(GraphicsImage): """A render style using the Kitty terminal graphics protocol. See :py:class:`GraphicsImage` for the complete description of the constructor. | **Render Methods** :py:class:`KittyImage` provides two methods of :term:`rendering` images, namely: LINES (default) Renders an image line-by-line i.e the image is evenly split across the number of lines it should occupy. Pros: * Good for use cases where it might be required to trim some lines of the image. WHOLE Renders an image all at once i.e the entire image data is encoded into one line of the :term:`rendered` output, such that the entire image is drawn once by the terminal and still occupies the correct amount of lines and columns. Pros: * Render results are more compact (i.e less in character count) than with the **LINES** method since the entire image is encoded at once. The render method can be set with :py:meth:`set_render_method() <BaseImage.set_render_method>` using the names specified above. | **Style-Specific Render Parameters** See :py:meth:`BaseImage.draw` (particularly the *style* parameter). * **method** (*None | str*) → Render method override. * ``None`` → the current effective render method of the instance is used. * *default* → ``None`` * **z_index** (*int*) → The stacking order of graphics and text for **non-animations**. * An integer in the **signed 32-bit** range (excluding ``-(2**31)``) * ``>= 0`` → the image will be drawn above text * ``< 0`` → the image will be drawn below text * ``< -(2**31)/2`` → the image will be drawn below cells with non-default background color * *default* → ``0`` * Overlapping graphics on different z-indexes will be blended (by the terminal emulator) if they are semi-transparent. * To inter-mix text with graphics, see the *mix* parameter. * **mix** (*bool*) → Graphics/Text inter-mix policy. * ``False`` → text within the region covered by the drawn render output will be erased, though text can be inter-mixed with graphics after drawing * ``True`` → text within the region covered by the drawn render output will NOT be erased * *default* → ``False`` * **compress** (*int*) → ZLIB compression level. * ``0`` <= *compress* <= ``9`` * ``1`` → best speed, ``9`` → best compression, ``0`` → no compression * *default* → ``4`` * Results in a trade-off between render time and data size/draw speed | **Format Specification** See :ref:`format-spec`. :: [ <method> ] [ z <z-index> ] [ m <mix> ] [ c <compress> ] * ``method`` → render method override * ``L`` → **LINES** render method (current frame only, for animated images) * ``W`` → **WHOLE** render method (current frame only, for animated images) * *default* → Current effective render method of the image * ``z`` → graphics/text stacking order * ``z-index`` → z-index * An integer in the **signed 32-bit** range (excluding ``-(2**31)``) * ``>= 0`` → the render output will be drawn above text * ``< 0`` → the render output will be drawn below text * ``< -(2**31)/2`` → the render output will be drawn below cells with non-default background color * *default* → ``z0`` (z-index zero) * e.g ``z0``, ``z1``, ``z-1``, ``z2147483647``, ``z-2147483648`` * overlapping graphics on different z-indexes will be blended (by the terminal emulator) if they are semi-transparent * ``m`` → graphics/text inter-mix policy * ``mix`` → inter-mix policy * ``0`` → text within the region covered by the drawn render output will be erased, though text can be inter-mixed with graphics after drawing * ``1`` → text within the region covered by the drawn render output will NOT be erased * *default* → ``m0`` * e.g ``m0``, ``m1`` * ``c`` → ZLIB compression level * ``compress`` → compression level * An integer in the range ``0`` <= ``compress`` <= ``9`` * ``1`` → best speed, ``9`` → best compression, ``0`` → no compression * *default* → ``c4`` * e.g ``c0``, ``c9`` * results in a trade-off between render time and data size/draw speed | IMPORTANT: Currently supported terminal emulators are: * `Kitty <>`_ >= 0.20.0. * `Konsole <>`_ >= 22.04.0. """ _FORMAT_SPEC: Tuple[re.Pattern] = tuple( map(re.compile, r"[LW] z-?\d+ m[01] c[0-9]".split(" ")) ) _render_methods: Set[str] = {LINES, WHOLE} _default_render_method: str = LINES _render_method: str = LINES _style_args = { "method": ( None, ( lambda x: isinstance(x, str), "Render method must be a string", ), ( lambda x: x.lower() in __class__._render_methods, "Unknown render method for 'kitty' render style", ), ), "z_index": ( 0, ( lambda x: isinstance(x, int), "z-index must be an integer", ), ( # INT32_MIN is reserved for non-native animations lambda x: -(2**31) < x < 2**31, "z-index must be within the 32-bit signed integer range " "(excluding ``-(2**31)``)", ), ), "mix": ( False, ( lambda x: isinstance(x, bool), "Inter-mix policy must be a boolean", ), (lambda _: True, ""), ), "compress": ( 4, ( lambda x: isinstance(x, int), "Compression level must be an integer", ), ( lambda x: 0 <= x <= 9, "Compression level must be between 0 and 9, both inclusive", ), ), } _TERM: str = "" _TERM_VERSION: str = "" _KITTY_VERSION: Tuple[int, int, int] = ()
[docs] @classmethod def clear( cls, *, cursor: bool = False, z_index: Optional[int] = None, now: bool = False ) -> None: """Clears images. Args: cursor: If ``True``, all images intersecting with the current cursor position are cleared. z_index: An integer in the **signed 32-bit range**. If given, all images on the given z-index are cleared. now: If ``True`` the images are cleared immediately, without affecting any standard I/O stream. Otherwise they're cleared when next :py:data:`sys.stdout` is flushed. Aside *now*, **only one** other argument may be given. If no argument is given (aside *now*) or default values are given, all images visible on the screen are cleared. NOTE: This method does nothing if the render style is not supported. """ if not (cls._forced_support or cls.is_supported()): return if not isinstance(cursor, bool): raise arg_type_error("cursor", cursor) if z_index is not None: if not isinstance(z_index, int): raise arg_type_error("z_index", z_index) if not -(1 << 31) <= z_index < (1 << 31): raise arg_value_error_range("z_index", z_index) if not isinstance(now, bool): raise arg_type_error("now", now) default_args = __class__.clear.__func__.__kwdefaults__ nonlocals = locals() args = {name: nonlocals[name] for name in default_args} given_args = args.items() - (default_args.items() | {("now", True)}) if len(given_args) > 1: raise arg_value_error_msg( "Only one argument (aside 'now') may be given", len(given_args) ) elif given_args: arg, _ = given_args.pop() (write_tty if now else _stdout_write)( (ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_CURSOR_b if now else ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_CURSOR) if arg == "cursor" else ( ( ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_Z_INDEX_b if now else ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_Z_INDEX ) % z_index ) ) elif now: write_tty(ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_ALL_b) else: _stdout_write(ctlseqs.KITTY_DELETE_ALL)
@classmethod def is_supported(cls) -> bool: if cls._supported is None: cls._supported = False # The graphics query for support detection messes up iTerm2's window title if get_terminal_name_version()[0] == "iterm2": return False # Kitty graphics query + terminal attribute query # The second query is to speed up the query since most (if not all) # terminals should support it and most terminals treat queries as FIFO response = query_terminal( ctlseqs.KITTY_SUPPORT_QUERY_b + ctlseqs.DA1_b, lambda s: not s.endswith(b"c"), ) # Not supported if it doesn't respond to either query # or responds to the second but not the first if response: response = ctlseqs.KITTY_RESPONSE_re.match(response.decode()) if response and response["id"] == "31" and response["message"] == "OK": name, version = get_terminal_name_version() # Only kitty >= 0.20.0 implement the protocol features utilized if name == "kitty" and version: try: version_tuple = tuple(map(int, version.split("."))) except ValueError: # Version string not "understood" pass else: if version_tuple >= (0, 20, 0): cls._TERM, cls._TERM_VERSION = name, version cls._KITTY_VERSION = version_tuple cls._supported = True # Konsole is good as long as it responds to the graphics query elif name == "konsole": cls._TERM, cls._TERM_VERSION = name, version or "" cls._supported = True return cls._supported @classmethod def _check_style_format_spec(cls, spec: str, original: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: parent, (method, z_index, mix, compress) = cls._get_style_format_spec( spec, original ) args = {} if parent: args.update(super()._check_style_format_spec(parent, original)) if method: args["method"] = LINES if method == "L" else WHOLE if z_index: args["z_index"] = int(z_index[1:]) if mix: args["mix"] = bool(int(mix[-1])) if compress: args["compress"] = int(compress[-1]) return cls._check_style_args(args) @classmethod def _clear_frame(cls) -> bool: """Clears an animation frame on-screen. | Only used on Kitty <= 0.25.0 because ``blend=False`` is buggy on these versions. Does nothing on any other version or terminal. | Also clears any frame of any previously drawn animation, since they all use the same z-index. See :py:meth:`~term_image.image.BaseImage._clear_frame` for description. """ if cls._KITTY_VERSION and cls._KITTY_VERSION <= (0, 25, 0): cls.clear(z_index=-(1 << 31)) return True return False def _display_animated(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: kwargs["z_index"] = -(1 << 31) if self._KITTY_VERSION > (0, 25, 0): kwargs["blend"] = False super()._display_animated(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _handle_interrupted_draw(): """Performs necessary actions when image drawing is interrupted. If drawing is interrupted while transmitting a command, it causes terminal to wait for more data (in fact, it actually consumes any output following) until the output reaches the expected payload size or ST (String Terminator) is written. Also, if the image data was chunked, it would be expecting the last chunk. In this case, output is not consumed but the next graphics command sent might not be treated as expected on some terminals e.g Konsole. """ # End last command (does no harm if there wasn't an unterminated command) # and send "last chunk" in case the last transmission was chunked. # Konsole sometimes requires ST to be written twice. print(ctlseqs.ST * 2 + ctlseqs.KITTY_END_CHUNKED, end="", flush=True) def _render_image( self, img: PIL.Image.Image, alpha: Union[None, float, str], *, frame: bool = False, method: Optional[str] = None, z_index: int = 0, mix: bool = False, compress: int = 4, blend: bool = True, ) -> str: """See :py:meth:`BaseImage._render_image` for the description of the method and :py:meth:`draw` for parameters not described here. Args: blend: If ``False``, the rendered image deletes overlapping/intersecting images when drawn. Otherwise, the behaviour is dependent on the z-index and/or the terminal emulator (for images with the same z-index). """ # NOTE: It's more efficient to write separate strings to the buffer separately # than concatenate and write together. # Using `c` and `r` ensures that an image always occupies the correct amount # of columns and lines even if the cell size has changed when it's drawn. # Since we use `c` and `r` control data keys, there's no need upscaling the # image on this end to reduce payload. # Anyways, this also implies that the image(s) have to be resized by the # terminal emulator, thereby leaving various details of resizing in the hands # of the terminal emulator such as the resampling method, etc. # This particularly affects the LINES render method negatively, resulting in # slant/curved edges not lining up across lines (amongst other artifacts # observed on Konsole) supposedly because the terminal emulator resizes each # line separately. # Hence, this optimization is only used for the WHOLE render method. render_method = (method or self._render_method).lower() r_width, r_height = self.rendered_size width, height = ( self._get_minimal_render_size() if render_method == WHOLE else self._get_render_size() ) frame_img = img if frame else None img = self._get_render_data( img, alpha, size=(width, height), pixel_data=False, frame=frame # fmt: skip )[0] format = getattr(f, img.mode) raw_image = img.tobytes() # clean up (ImageIterator uses one PIL image throughout) if frame_img is not img: self._close_image(img) control_data = ControlData(f=format, s=width, c=r_width, z=z_index) fill = ("" if mix else ERASE_CHARS % r_width) + (CURSOR_FORWARD % r_width) fill_newline = fill + "\n" if render_method == LINES: cell_height = height // r_height bytes_per_line = width * cell_height * (format // 8) vars(control_data).update(v=cell_height, r=1) with io.StringIO() as buffer, io.BytesIO(raw_image) as raw_image: trans = Transmission( control_data,, compress ) blend or buffer.write(KITTY_DELETE_CURSOR) for chunk in trans.get_chunks(): buffer.write(chunk) for _ in range(r_height - 1): buffer.write(fill_newline) trans = Transmission( control_data,, compress ) blend or buffer.write(KITTY_DELETE_CURSOR) for chunk in trans.get_chunks(): buffer.write(chunk) buffer.write(fill) return buffer.getvalue() vars(control_data).update(v=height, r=r_height) return "".join( ( KITTY_DELETE_CURSOR * (not blend), Transmission(control_data, raw_image, compress).get_chunked(), fill_newline * (r_height - 1), fill, ) )
@dataclass class Transmission: """An abstraction of the kitty terminal graphics escape code. Args: control: The control data. payload: The payload. level: Compression level. """ control: ControlData payload: bytes # From tests with a few images, from anything beyond 4, the decrease in size # doesn't seem to be worth the increase in compression time in most cases. # Might change if proven otherwise. level: int = 4 def __post_init__(self): self._compressed = False if self.level: self.compress() else: self.control.o = None def compress(self): if self.control.t == t.DIRECT and not self._compressed and self.level: self.payload = compress(self.payload, self.level) self.control.o = o.ZLIB self._compressed = True def decompress(self): if self.control.t == t.DIRECT and self._compressed: self.control.o = None self.payload = decompress(self.payload) self._compressed = False def encode(self) -> bytes: return standard_b64encode(self.payload) def get_chunked(self) -> str: return "".join(self.get_chunks()) def get_chunks(self, size: int = 4096) -> Generator[str, None, None]: with self.get_payload() as payload: chunk, next_chunk =, yield ( KITTY_TRANSMISSION % (f"{self.get_control_data()},m={bool(next_chunk):d}", chunk) ) chunk, next_chunk = next_chunk, while next_chunk: yield KITTY_TRANSMISSION % ("m=1", chunk) chunk, next_chunk = next_chunk, if chunk: # false if there was never a next chunk yield KITTY_TRANSMISSION % ("m=0", chunk) def get_control_data(self) -> str: return ",".join( f"{key}={value}" for key, value in asdict(self.control).items() if value is not None ) def get_payload(self) -> io.StringIO: return io.StringIO(self.encode().decode("ascii")) # Values for control data keys with limited set of values class a: TRANS = "t" TRANS_DISP = "T" QUERY = "q" PLACE = "p" DELETE = "d" TRANS_FRAMES = "f" CONTROL_ANIM = "a" COMPOSE_FRAMES = "c" class C: MOVE = 0 STAY = 1 class f: RGB = 24 RGBA = 32 PNG = 100 class o: ZLIB = "z" class t: DIRECT = "d" FILE = "f" TEMP = "t" SHARED = "s" class z: BEHIND = -1 IN_FRONT = 0 @dataclass class ControlData: """Represents a portion of the kitty terminal graphics protocol control data""" a: Optional[str] = a.TRANS_DISP # action f: Optional[int] = f.RGBA # data format t: Optional[str] = t.DIRECT # transmission medium s: Optional[int] = None # image width v: Optional[int] = None # image height z: Optional[int] = z.IN_FRONT # z-index o: Optional[str] = None # compression C: Optional[int] = C.STAY # cursor movement policy # # Image display size in columns and rows/lines # # The image is shrunk or enlarged to fit c: Optional[int] = None # columns r: Optional[int] = None # rows def __post_init__(self): if self.f == f.PNG: self.s = self.v = None class _ControlData: # Currently Unused i: Optional[int] = None # image ID d: Optional[str] = None # delete images m: Optional[int] = None # payload chunk O: Optional[int] = None # data start offset; with t=s or t=f S: Optional[int] = None # data size in bytes; with f=100,o=z or t=s or t=f # Origin offset (px) within the current cell; Must be less than the cell size # (0, 0) == Top-left corner of the cell; Not used with `c` and `r`. X: Optional[int] = None Y: Optional[int] = None # Image crop (px) # # crop origin; (0, 0) == top-left corner of the image x: Optional[int] = None y: Optional[int] = None # # crop rectangle size w: Optional[int] = None h: Optional[int] = None _stdout_write = sys.stdout.write