Text-based User Interface

The TUI is developed using urwid.

UI Components

The UI consists of various areas which are each composed using one or more widgets.
The components of the UI might change depending on the current context and some actions.

The following are the key components that make up the UI.

  • Banner:

    • At the top of the UI.

    • Fixed height of 4 lines.

    • Contains the project title with a surrounding color fill and a line-box decoration.

    • Hidden in full image views.

  • Viewer:

    • Immediately below the title banner.

    • Consists of two sub-components (described below) arranged horizontally: * Menu * View

  • Menu:

    • Sub-component of the viewer to the left.

    • Fixed width of 20 columns.

    • Contains a list of image and directory entries which can be scrolled through.

    • Used to scroll through images in a directory and navigate back and forth through directories, among other actions.

  • View:

    • Sub-component of the viewer to the right.

    • Images are displayed in here.

    • The content can be one of these two, depending on the type of item currently selected in the menu: * An image: When the item selected in the menu is an image. * An image grid: When the item selected in the menu is a directory.

    • The view component can also be used to scroll through images.

  • Notification Bar:

    • Immediately above the Action/Key Bar.

    • Fixed height of 2 lines.

    • Notifications about various events are displayed here.

    • Hidden in full image views.

  • Action/Key Bar:

    • Contains a list of actions in the current context.

    • Each action has the symbol of the assigned key beside its name.

    • If the actions are too much to be listed on one line, the bar can be expanded/collapsed using the key indicated at the far right.

  • Overlays:

    • These are used for various purposes such as help menu, confirmations, etc.

    • They are shown only when certain actions are triggered.

  • Info Bar:

    • Used for debugging.

    • This is a 1-line bar immediately above the action/key bar.

    • Only shows (in all views) when the --debug option is specified.

Full/Maximized image views consist of only the view and action/key bar components.


A context is simply a set of actions.

The active context might change due to one of these:

  • Triggering certain actions.

  • Change of viewer sub-component (i.e menu or view) in focus.

  • Type of menu entry selected.

  • An overlay is shown.

The active context determines which actions are available and displayed in the action/key bar at the bottom of the UI.

The following are the contexts available:

  • global: The actions in this context are available when any other context is active, with a few exceptions.

  • menu: This context is active when the menu UI component is in focus and non-empty.

  • image: This context is active if the view UI component is in focus and was switched to (from the menu) while an image entry was selected.

  • image-grid: This context is active if the view UI component is in focus and was switched to (from the menu) while a directory entry was selected.

  • full-image: This context is active when an image entry is maximized from the image context (using the Maximize action) or from the menu context using the Open action.

  • full-grid-image: This context is active when an image grid cell is maximized from the image-grid context (using the Open action).

  • confirmation: This context is active only when specific actions that require confirmation are triggered e.g the Delete action in some contexts.

  • overlay: This context is active only when an overlay UI component (e.g the help menu) is shown.


An action is a single entry in a context, it represents a functionality available in that context.
An action has the following defining properties:
  • name: The name of the action.

  • key: The key/combination used to trigger the action.

  • symbol: A string used to represent the key.

  • description: A brief description of what the action does.

  • visibility: Determines if the action is displayed in the action/key bar or not.

  • state: Determines if the action is enabled or not. * If an action is disabled, pressing its key will trigger the terminal bell.


All contexts and their actions (with default properties) are defined in _context_keys in the term_img.config sub-module.