Core Library Definitions

The term_img.image module defines the following:

class term_img.image.TermImage(image, *, width=None, height=None, scale=(1.0, 1.0))

Bases: object

Text-printable image

  • image (PIL.Image.Image) – Image to be rendered.

  • width (Optional[int]) – The width to render the image with.

  • height (Optional[int]) – The height to render the image with.

  • scale (Tuple[float, float]) – The image render scale on respective axes.

  • TypeError – An argument is of an inappropriate type.

  • ValueError – An argument has an unexpected/invalid value.

Propagates exceptions raised by set_size(), if width or height is given.


  • width is not neccesarily the exact number of columns that’ll be used to render the image. That is influenced by the currently set font ratio.

  • height is 2 times the number of lines that’ll be used in the terminal.

  • If neither is given or both are None, the size is automatically determined when the image is to be rendered, such that it can fit within the terminal.

  • The size is multiplied by the scale on each axis respectively before the image is rendered.

property closed

Instance finalization status

property frame_duration

Duration (in seconds) of a single frame for animated images

Setting this on non-animated images is simply ignored, no exception is raised.

property height

Image render height

None when render size is unset.

Settable values:

  • None: Sets the render size to the automatically calculated one.

  • A positive int: Sets the render height to the given value and the width proprtionally.

The image is actually rendered using half this number of lines

property is_animated

True if the image is animated. Otherwise, False.

property original_size

Original image size

property n_frames

The number of frames in the image

property rendered_height

The number of lines that the drawn image will occupy in a terminal

property rendered_size: Tuple[int, int]

The number of columns and lines (respectively) that the drawn image will occupy in a terminal

property rendered_width

The number of columns that the drawn image will occupy in a terminal

property scale

Image render scale

Settable values are:

  • A scale value; sets both axes.

  • A tuple of two scale values; sets (x, y) respectively.

A scale value is a float in the range 0.0 < value <= 1.0.

property scale_x

x-axis render scale

A scale value is a float in the range 0.0 < x <= 1.0.

property scale_y

y-ayis render scale

A scale value is a float in the range 0.0 < y <= 1.0.

property size

Image render size

None when render size is unset.

Setting this to None unsets the render size (so that it’s automatically calculated whenever the image is rendered) and resets the recognized advanced sizing options to their defaults.

property source

The source from which the instance was initialized

Can be a PIL image, file path or URL.

property width

Image render width

None when render size is unset.

Settable values:

  • None: Sets the render size to the automatically calculated one.

  • A positive int: Sets the render width to the given value and the height proportionally.


Finalizes the instance and releases external resources.


  • It’s not neccesary to explicity call this method, as it’s automatically called when neccesary.

  • This method can be safely called mutiple times.

  • If the instance was initialized with a PIL image, the PIL image is never finalized.

Return type


draw(h_align=None, pad_width=None, v_align=None, pad_height=None, alpha=0.1568627450980392, *, animate=True, ignore_oversize=False)

Draws/Displays an image in the terminal, with optional alignment and padding.

  • h_align (Optional[str]) – Horizontal alignment (“left”/”<”, “center”/”|” or “right”/”>”). Default: center.

  • pad_width (Optional[int]) –

    Number of columns within which to align the image.

    • Excess columns are filled with spaces.

    • default: terminal width.

  • v_align (Optional[str]) – Vertical alignment (“top”/”^”, “middle”/”-” or “bottom”/”_”). Default: middle.

  • pad_height (Optional[int]) –

    Number of lines within which to align the image.

    • Excess lines are filled with spaces.

    • default: terminal height, with a 2-line allowance.

  • alpha (Optional[float]) –

    Transparency setting.

    • If None, transparency is disabled (i.e black background).

    • If a float (0.0 <= x < 1.0), specifies the alpha ratio above which pixels are taken as opaque.

    • If a string, specifies a hex color with which transparent background should be replaced.

  • animate (bool) – If False, disable animation i.e draw only the current frame of an animated image.

  • ignore_oversize (bool) – If True, do not verify if the image will fit into the available terminal size with it’s currently set render size.

Return type



  • Animations, if not disabled, are infinitely looped but can be terminated with Ctrl-C (SIGINT or “KeyboardInterrupt”).

  • If set_size() was previously used to set the render size (directly or not), the last values of its check_height, h_allow and v_allow parameters are taken into consideration, with check_height applying to only non-animated images.

  • For animated images, when animate is True:

classmethod from_file(filepath, **kwargs)

Creates a TermImage instance from an image file.

  • filepath (str) – Relative/Absolute path to an image file.

  • kwargs (Union[int, None, Tuple[float, float]]) – Same keyword arguments as the class constructor.


A new TermImage instance.

  • TypeErrorfilepath is not a string.

  • FileNotFoundError – The given path does not exist.

  • IsADirectoryError – Propagated from from

  • UnidentifiedImageError – Propagated from from

Return type


Also Propagates exceptions raised or propagated by the class constructor.

classmethod from_url(url, **kwargs)

Creates a TermImage instance from an image URL.

  • url (str) – URL of an image file.

  • kwargs (Union[int, None, Tuple[float, float]]) – Same keyword arguments as the class constructor.


A new TermImage instance.

  • TypeErrorurl is not a string.

  • ValueError – The URL is invalid.

  • term_img.exceptions.URLNotFoundError – The URL does not exist.

  • PIL.UnidentifiedImageError – Propagated from

Return type


Also propagates connection-related exceptions from requests.get() and exceptions raised or propagated by the class constructor.


This method creates a temporary image file, but only after a successful initialization.

Proper clean-up is guaranteed except maybe in very rare cases.

To ensure 100% guarantee of clean-up, use the object as a context manager.


Changes current image frame.


pos (int) – New frame number.

  • TypeError – An argument is of an inappropriate type.

  • ValueError – An argument has an unexpected/invalid value but of an appropriate type.

Return type


Frame numbers start from 0 (zero).

set_size(width=None, height=None, h_allow=0, v_allow=2, *, maxsize=None, check_width=True, check_height=True)

Sets the render size with advanced control.

  • width (Optional[int]) – Render width to use.

  • height (Optional[int]) – Render height to use.

  • h_allow (int) – Horizontal allowance i.e minimum number of columns to leave unused.

  • v_allow (int) – Vertical allowance i.e minimum number of lines to leave unused.

  • maxsize (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) – If given (cols, lines), it’s used instead of the terminal size.

  • check_width (bool) – If False, the validity of the resulting rendered width is not checked.

  • check_height (bool) – If False, the validity of the resulting rendered height is not checked.

Return type


If neither width nor height is given or anyone given is None:

  • and check_height and check_width are both True, the size is automatically calculated to fit within the available terminal size (or maxsize, if given).

  • and check_height is False, the size is set such that the rendered width is exactly the available terminal width or maxsize[0] (assuming the render scale equals 1), regardless of the font ratio.

  • and check_width is False (and check_height is True), the size is set such that the rendered height is exactly the available terminal height or maxsize[1] (assuming the render scale equals 1), regardless of the font ratio.

Allowance does not apply when maxsize is given.

No vertical allowance when check_height is False.
No horizontal allowance when check_width is False.

The check_height might be set to False to set the render size for vertically-oriented images (i.e images with height > width) such that the drawn image spans more columns but the terminal window has to be scrolled to view the entire image.

All image rendering and formatting methods recognize and respect the check_height, h_allow and v_allow options, until the size is re-set or unset.

check_width is only provided for completeness, it should probably be used only when the image will not be drawn to the current terminal. The value of this parameter is not recognized by any other method or operation.


Returns the current image frame number.

Return type



It’s allowed to set properties for animated images on non-animated ones, the values are simply ignored.

Context Manager Support

TermImage instances are context managers i.e they can be used with the with statement such as in:

with TermImage.from_url(url) as image:

Using an instance as a context manager ensures 100% guarantee to of object finalization (i.e clean-up/release of resources), especially for instances with URL sources (see TermImage.from_url()).